Tuesday, April 29, 2008


1. Before going for a party Dr. Dolittle ordered the three musketeers, Tom, Jerry and Donald – to keep watch onthe three gluttonous pets - the cat, the dog and the bear. After the party got over, Dr. Dolittle reached backhome to find that three items viz, milk, meat and honey were missing from the refrigerator. He then asked themusketeers what happened to the three items. Following were the replies of the three musketeers.Tom : The cat drank the milk. The dog ate the meat. The bear had the honey.Jerry : The dog ate the meat. The bear had the honey. The cat did not drink the milk.Donald : The dog did not have the honey. The bear did not drink the milk.The cat did not eat the meat.The statements made by each of the musketeers were alternately true and false but which comes first is uncertain.
1.If each pet ate exactly one of the three items, can you help Dr. Dolittle find who had the honey?(1) The cat
(2) The dog
(3) The bear
(4) Cannot be determined
2. There are exactly four married couples among four men - Pradeep, Pavan, Kamal and Ranjeet − and fourwomen − Radha, Puja, Leena and Rama. Each couple owns a car of a different colour from among Yellow,Green, Red and Blue. Pradeep’s car is not painted Red or Yellow. Ranjeet is Puja’s husband. Leena owns aGreen car. Neither Radha’s car nor Rama’s car is painted Yellow. Neither Pavan’s car nor Rama’s car ispainted Blue. Which of the following additional information is required to know the names of the pair ofspouses and colours of the cars owned by them?
(1) Radha’s car is painted Blue.
(2) Ranjeet’s car is painted Yellow.
(3) Leena is Kamal’s wife.
(4) Pradeep is Radha’s husband.
3. Five persons - Krishna, Rahim, John, Joseph and Ram - are standing in a line for a photograph. If Ram isexactly between Joseph and John, then Krishna is to the immediate right of John. If John is exactly betweenRahim and Joseph, then Ram is to the immediate left of Rahim. If Ram is to the right of John, then John isexactly between Rahim and Joseph. If John is to the right of Krishna, then Ram is to the right of John. Rahimis at one end of the row and Krishna is next to neither Rahim nor Joseph.Which of the following statements is true?I. Joseph is between Ram and Rahim.II. Krishna is at one of the ends.III. John is to the immediate right of Ram.
(1) Only I and II
(2) Only II and III
(3) Only I and III
(4) I, II and III
4. In the business street of a town, there are five buildings in a row, each of which is occupied by a differentcompany. The total number of floors that five buildings have are 9, 10, 13 and 14 in such a way that all thebuildings have different total number of floors, except the two buildings which have 13 floors each.Names of the companies which have occupied these buildings are Hutch, Airtel, BPL, BSNL and Tatatel. Sumof the number of floors of two adjacent buildings is 23, in two instances. No two adjacent buildings have thesame number of floors. Tatatel, which has 14 floors, is at the extreme left end of the street. The office of Airtelis exactly between the offices of Hutch and BSNL. Neither Hutch nor BSNL is in the building which has 9floors. What is the number of floors of the building in which Airtel has its office?
(1) 13
(2) 9
(3) 10
(4) Cannot be determined
5. Four persons A, B, C and D participated in two races [Race-I and Race-II]. Neither Race-I nor Race-II had twoor more persons finishing the race at the same time. One person finished first in one race, and fourth in theother race. Exactly one person finished in the same position in both the races. Between B and C, whoeverfinishes later in Race-I finishes Race-II in the first position. Between A and D, whoever finishes later in Race-II finishes Race-I in the first position. B finished ahead of A in exactly one race. The position of A was not thesame in both the races. Based on the information given above, can you find out the name of the person whofinished first in Race-I?
(1) A
(2) B
(3) Either A or B
(4) Either C or D
6. Each of the five friends - Vijay, Vinay, Vikas, Vilas and Venkat − owns a different car among - Uno, Indica,Matiz, Maruti and Santro. Each car has a different colour among Black, Blue, Green, Yellow and Red. Thecolour of Vijay’s car is Red. Vikas owns neither Maruti nor Matiz. Vinay owns neither Maruti nor Matiz. Thecolour of Vikas’s car is Green. Venkat owns an Uno. Indica’s colour is Black. Matiz is painted neither Yellow norRed.Which of the following statements must be false?
(1) Vijay owns a Maruti.
(2) Vikas owns a Santro.
(3) Venkat owns the Yellow car.
(4) Vilas owns the Green car.
7. Every time Grant the Ant hears a whistle from her maternal uncle, she takes a right turn and continues travelling.After she travels twice as much distance as she just covered in the previous direction, her uncle blows the whistleagain. Grant started at a point and proceeded in a northerly direction. She heard the first whistle from her uncle aftershe covered 1 km. How far is Grant from the starting point immediately after she heard the sixth whistle from heruncle?
(1) 6 km to the West and 13 km to the North.
(2) 26 km to the East and 13 km to the North.
(3) 26 km to the East and 3 km to the North.
(4) 5 km to the West and 3 km to the North.
8. How am I related to my father’s mother’s only daughter-in-law’s sister’s father’s only son?
(1) Nephew
(2) Niece
(3) Uncle
(4) Cannot be determined
9. Given below are three logical statements:
(A) If all Dogs are Cats, then some Dogs are Rats.
(B) No Dog is a Cat, unless some Cats are Rats.
(C) Only if some Cats are Rats, some Dogs are Rats.
If all the above three statements are true, then which of the following need not be true?
(1) All Cats are Rats
(2) No Dog is Rat
(3) All Dogs are Rats
(4) All Dogs are Cats
10. After their dismal performance in the World Cup, the rejected and the dejected foursome Tendu, Gangu, Dravid andViru decide to play a few games among themselves . They play Tippy Tippy Tap, Hide and Seek, Pillar Pillar andKabaddi. All four of them play all the four games mentioned above. No two persons are ranked the same in anysingle game and no person gets the same rank in any two games. Further, the following information is known;
(A) Tendu is neither the winner nor the 3rd runner-up in Hide and Seek, and Gangu isneither the 1st runner-up nor the 3rd runner-up in Tippy Tippy Tap.
(B) Dravid is neither the 3rd runner-up nor the winner in Pillar Pillar and Viru is neitherthe 3rd runner-up nor the winner in Kabbadi.
(C) Gangu is neither the winner nor the 2nd runner-up in Pillar Pillar and Dravid is neitherthe winner nor the 2nd runner-up in Hide and Seek.
(D) Viru is neither the winner nor the 3rd runner-up in Tippy Tippy Tap and Tendu isneither the 3rd runner-up nor the 1st runner up in Kabaddi.
If Dravid’s rank is better then Tendu’s rank in Kabaddi, then which of the following statements must be false?
(1) Tendu is the winner in Pillar Pillar.
(2) Gangu is the 2nd runner-up in Hide and Seek.
(3) Dravid is ranked higher than Viru in Tippy Tippy Tap.
(4) None of the above.
DIRECTIONS for questions 11 and 12: Five items – Geyser, Cooking Range, Fridge, Washing Machine and an AC– are each manufactured by a different company among Godrej, LG, Videocon, Samsung and Hitachi. The followinginformation is also known about them.
(i) Each of the items has a distinct warranty period ranging from 1 to 5 years.
(ii) Geyser is not manufactured by LG, does not have the maximum or minimum warranty and it is also not the costliest.
(iii)AC has the maximum warranty of 5 years, is cheaper than 3 of the items and ismanufactured by Hitachi.
( iv) Cooking Range is not manufactured by Godrej or Videocon, it has a warranty of 2years and is priced at Rs.6,000.
(v) Washing Machine is manufactured by Samsung, and it has a warranty of 3 years and i scheaper than the Fridge.
(vi) Geyser costs Rs.2000 more than the Cooking Range and its cost is the average of allthe items put together.
(vii) The Washing Machine and the AC cost 90% and 70% of the Fridge, respectively, andit is known that the item manufactured by Videocon is the costliest.
11. Which company manufactures the Geyser?
(1) Godrej
(2) Videocon
(3) Samsung
(4) Cannot be determined
12. What is the cost of the item having the least warranty?
(1) Rs.10,000
(2) Rs.9,000
(3) Rs.8,000
(4) Cannot be determined
DIRECTIONS for questions 13 to 15: Praful and Karan have a bad habit each. Praful tells lies on Mondays,Tuesdays and Wednesdays (but speaks the truth on the other days of the week) whereas Karan tells lies on Thursdays,Fridays and Saturdays (but speaks the truth on the other days of the week). Umesh is a common friend ofPraful and Karan.
13. On one day, when Umesh wanted to find out what day of the week was it, he met only Praful who made thefollowing two statements:I. I lied yesterday. II. I will lie two days after tomorrow.What day of the week was it on this day?
(1) Monday
(2) Tuesday
(3) Wednesday
(4) Thursday
14. On what day(s) of the week is it possible for Praful to make the following two statements?I. I lied yesterday . II. I will lie tomorrow.
(1) Monday (2) Wednesday
(3) Either (1) or (2)
(4) No such day is possible
15. One day Umesh met two cousins of Praful - Archna and Rachna. One of them behaves similar to Praful, who tellslies on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays (and speaks the truth on the other days of the week) and the otherbehaves sililar Karan, who tells lies on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays (and speaks the truth on the other daysof the week). But Umesh does not know who behaves similar to Praful and who behaves similar to Karan. Healso does not know what day of the week it is. They introduced themselves to him one by one:First One : I am Archna Second One : I am Rachna
Which of the following statements is true?
(1) The first one is Archna.
(2) The first one is Rachna.
(3) Insufficient data to deduce.
(4) Inconsistent data.
DIRECTIONS for questions 16 to 18: In a laboratory, four animals are tested, each with a different medicine outof four kinds of medicinal formulae − P, Q, R and S. The animals available for the test are a rat, a rabbit, a cat anda monkey. S cannot be tested on rats. P cannot be tested on rabbits. R cannot be tested on cats. Q cannot be testedon monkeys.16. Which of the following additional information will not be sufficient to decide the medicinal formulae to beused on different animals?
(1) P and S cannot be tested on cats and monkeys.
(2) Q and R cannot be tested on rabbits and rats.
(3) P and S cannot be tested on rats and rabbits.
(4) P and S cannot be tested on rabbits and cats.
17. If neither rats can be tested with Q or S nor cats can be tested with Q or S, then which of the following can beused on neither rabbits nor cats?
(1) Only P
(2) Only Q
(3) P and Q
(4) S
18. Either R and Q or P and R are used to test on the cats and the rabbits, then which of the following can be testedon cats?
(1) Only P
(2) Only Q
(3) Only R
(4) Either P or Q
DIRECTIONS for questions 19 to 21: Deeptha comes to college on her scooter or in her father’s Ambassador orin her friend’s Maruti. She has college from Monday through Saturday and Sunday is a holiday. The modes ofconveyance she uses satisfy the following conditions.
I. She does not use the same mode of conveyance for more than two consecutive working days.
II. Every Monday, she comes in her friend’s Maruti.
III. On Saturdays, her father’s Ambassador is not available.
IV. If she comes in her friend’s Maruti on one day, she has to use her scooter the next day shegoes to college.
V. If Deeptha uses any mode of conveyance on two consecutive working days, the mode ofconveyance she uses immediately after these two days cannot be the same as the one sheused on the day immediately preceding these two days.
19. If Deeptha used the Ambassador on Thursday and her Scooter on Friday, then which of the following is not true?
(1) She must have used her scooter on Wednesday.
(2) She must used her scooter on Saturday.
(3) She could have used the Ambassador on Wednesday.
(4) None of the above
20. If Deeptha used her scooter on a particular Friday, then which of the following statements is/are true?I. She must have used the Ambassador on Thursday.II. She must have used her scooter on Wednesday.III. She must have used the Ambassador on Wednesday.
(1) Only I
(2) Only I and II
(3) Only I and III
(4) Only II
21. In how many different ways can Deeptha select her weekly conveyance schedule?
(1) 7
(2) 8
(3) 9
(4) None of these
1 3 4 3 1 4 2 4 1 4 1 1 1 4 1 3 4 4 3 2 1

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