1. Ombudsman means
a) A third party grievances redressal person appointed by the buyer of goods and services
b) A third party grievances redressal person appointed by the seller of goods and services
c) A third party grievances redressal person appointed jointly by the seller and buyer of goods and services whenever disputes arise
d) ) A third party grievances redressal person appointed by the Government
2. Expand SIDBI
a) Small Industries Development Bank of India
b) Services Industrial Development Bank of India
c) Safe Investment Development Bank of India
d) Secure Investment Development Bank of India
3. Expand NABARD
a) National Agricultural Bank for Rural Development
b) National Agricultural Bank and Rural Development
c) National Bank for agriculture and Rural Development
d) National Board for Agriculture Research and Development
4. MSME –
a) Micro, Small and Medium enterprises
b) Micro Savings Machine Enterprises
c) Marginal Small and Micro enterprises
d) Marginal Small and Medium Enterprises
5. SHG means
a) Self Help Growth
b) Slowly Helping Group
c) Self Help Gyan
d) Self Help Groups
6. The pioneer in micro credit in Bangladesh is
a) Prof Mohammed Yunus
d) Bangladesh Central Bank
a) United Nations Children Training and Development
b) United Nations Conference on Tobacco and Arecca Development
c) United Nations Conference on Territorial Area Development
d) United Nations conference on Trade and Development
8. Euro is a common currency of
a) USA
b) 15 member countries of Europe
c) 15 member countries of European Union and 9 other countries of the world 7 of them in Europe
d) Euro Asia
9. If MNC is Multi National Company. What is TNC
a) Trans National Company (Transnational corporation)
b) Tatas National consultancy
c) Transnational Consultancy Services
d) Totally National corporation
10. NAFTA:
a) North African Free Trade Area
b) North Atlantic Free Trade association
c) North American Free Trade Area
d) North American Free Trade Association
11. In International trade, INCOTERMS refer to
a) International contract Terms 1990
b) International commerce Terms, 1990
c) Inercontinental Terms
d) International Commerce Terminology Services
12. WIPO refer to
a) World Interest Payment Organisation
b) World Intensive Property Organisation
c) World Intellectual Property Organisation
d) World Inter-party Organisation
13. Creamy layers as per Mandal Commission’s report refer to
a) Sons and Daughters of President, Vide President, Judges of supreme & High Courts, Chairmen and Members of UPSC, Chief Election Commissioner, Comptroller and Auditor General of India, Officer (Class 1 of Central Government, Banks, State Government and UN and Army personnel above the rank of Colonel
b) Sons and Daughters of any Government Official
c) Sons and Daughters of a person who has inherited properties wroth Rs 1 crore
d) Sons and Daughters of a person belonging to SC/ST and minority communities who are above poverty line.
14. Divestment or Disinvestment means
a) Government run by the Private Sector Leaders
b) Sale of Shares of Profit Making Public Sector companies
c) Off loading (Sale) government Shares in the identified PSUs to private sector
d) Sale of shares by Private Sector Companies to the government
15. Narasimham committee in India is associated with
a) Financial Sector Reforms
b) Insurance sector reforms
c) Capital Market Reforms
d) Agricultural and Rural Reforms
16. Directed credit means
a) Government directs the channel of flow of funds to identified sectors of the economy
b) The Board of director issues to directions to the branch managers of the banks to follow a certain credit policy
c) Credit given in geographical direction to ensure proper flow of funds geographically
d) Directions given by political leaders to give loans to their close relatives
17. Forward Markets Commission is the regulatory body for
a) Forward Transactions
b) Bullion Market
c) Foreign Exchange Market
d) Commodity Markets
18. Generally, EXIM Policy in India is spelt out with a frequency of
a) One year
b) Ten Years
c) Five Years
d) Three years
19. The Managing Director of NABARD
a) Dr K G Karmakar
b) MB N Rao
c) Y V Reddy
d) U G Sarangi
20 Which Bank has initiated CEO Knowledge Series to empowr SMEs across India
a) ICICI Bank;
b) SBI SME Division;
c) Canara Bank Industrial Consultancy Services Division
d) Standard chartered Bank
21. NABARD Chairman is
a) U G Sarangi
a) Dr K G Karmakar
b) C) M B N Rao
c) Ms Ranjana Kumar
22. Asian Banker Award (2007) for IT implementation for Best HR systems goes to
b) Canara Bank;
c) Bank of India
d) Bank of Baroda
a) Union Bank of India;
23. Eurozone is the name given to
a) a collection of European countries
b) A group of member states of the European Union who accepted EURO as the common currency
c) Eurpoean countries other than UK
d) European countries bordering Russian Countries
24. European Central Bank is located at
a) Geneva in Switzerland
b) Frankfurt in Germany
c) Frankfurt in France
d) Greece
25 Who was named as the Most Powerful Women in business in 2006 by Fortune Magazine?
a) Medha Patkar
b) Sonia Gandhi
c) Indra Noyi
d) Sudha Murthy
Q No Ans Q No Ans Q No Ans
1 b 11 a 21 a
2 a 12 c 22 d
3 c 13 a 23 b
4 a 14 c 24 b
5 d 15 a 25 c
6 a 16 a
7 d 17 d
8 c 18 c
9 a 19 a
10 c 20 a
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