Monday, April 14, 2008

Top 20 Guidlines for Enhancing Personal Quality

1.Know the Real You.
Capitalise on your strength and overcome your major weakness which impede personal productivity. Identify and discard false beliefs about you.
2 Learn to love yourself for you are unique.
Avoid dwelling on needless or negative comparisons with others. Accept gracefully what you cannot change.
3 Have trust in your abilities to perform particular tasks or to handle specific challenges in life. Practise positive self-talk. Visualise success in your carrer and in other areas of your life.
4 Accept 100 per cent responsibility for your life and career.
Make a firm decision to change for the better. Be proactive; make things happen. Avoid blaming others, fate or luck for your state of affairs
5 Determine your personal quality goals.
Develop action plans with realistic deadlines to attain them
6 Take action to transform goals into reality.
Review progress towards attainment of your goals and take the necessary corrective action
7 Maintain self-discipline and perseverance.
Concentrate your efforts on attaining your vital few goals. Make sacrifices and postpone immediate gratification for reaping future dividends
8 Improve your com munication skills.
Practise speaking up at meetings. Learn to become a good listener.
9 Manage your time successfully.
Prioritise your work first. Identify your time waster and get rid of them. Continually ask yourself. “What is the best use of my time right now!”
10 Make a positive first impression.
Be well-groomed and well-dressed. Be punctual, make your first few words count, speak audibly and use appropriate language and facial expressions
11 Know your job thoroughly.
Choose to enjoy your work and take pride in it. Make the best of your working environment. Learn how to manage your boss successfully
12 Produce quality work within deadlines.
Practise preventive management by building quality into the work process. Anticipate problem and prevent them from occuring
13 Make sound and timely decision based on relevent facts
14 Treat people with respect and dignity.
Make them feel important. Give honest and specific appreciation. Praise in public; provide constructive criticism in private
15 Practise what you preach. Maintain integrity at all times.
Honour all promises and commitments
16 Seek out the good in people and speak positively of them.
Accept each individual as a unique person. Be friendly and smile at others
17 Create “win-win” relationships.
Seek manual benefit in all human interactions. Assist others in their growth and development
18 Demonstrate emotional intelligence.
Empathise with others by being sensitive to their feelings and concerns. Hold your temper and make your emotions work for you. Use “I” messages to express your emotions without putting other people in the defensive
19 Lead a healthy lifestyle.
Maintain physical fitness by excercising at least for 20-30 minutes, three to four times a week. Eat sensible by maintaining a balanced diet and have adequate sleep and rest
20 Seek continous self-improvement and practise self-renewal (physical, mental, social and spritual). Be open to new ideas and constructive criticsm.

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