1. A cartilaginous fish with operculum considered as connecting link
between bony fishes and cartilage fishes
(a) Protopterus (b) Latimeria (c) Chimaera (d) Sphyrna
2. Maximum noise limit in the silence zone near hospitals at night is
(a) 80dB (b) 70dB (c) 75dB (d) 40dB
3. ........ are examples for group transferring (transferase)
(a) Hexokinase, triose phosphate isomerase, cytochrome
(b) Hexokinase, Glutamate Pyruvate amino transferase
(c) GOGAT, Amylase
(d) Aldolase, enolase, ferredoxin
4. Paleontology is the study of
(a) Primates (b) Birds (c) Fossils (d) Bones
5. Louis Pasteur is known for
(a) View for Biogenesis
(b) Spontaneous generation
(c) Use and disuse of organs
(d) Method of sterilization and germ theory of disease
6. Vampire bats are
(a) Frugivorous (b) Sanguivorous
(c) Insectivorous (d) Omnivorous
7. The total number of nitrogen bases, deoxy ribose sugars and
phosphate present in a double stranded DNA are 16, 16 & 14
respectively. What is the length of DNA?
(a) 10.88nm (b) 2.72nm (c) 5.44nm (d) 2.38nm
8. Study of tissue is
(a) Anatomy (b) Physiology (c) Histology (d) Ecology
9. 'John Snow' is associated with
(a) Parasitology (b) Immunology (c) Pharmacology (d) Genetics
10. In termites, sterile castes are
(a) workers (b) soldiers (c) nasutes (d) all the above
11. The most important ozone depleting substance (ODS) in the
stratosphere is
(a) SO2 (b) Methane (c) CFC (d) PAN
12. Match the following
a) Club Fungi 1) Fusarium
b) Sac fungi 2) Zygomycetes
c) Conjugation 3) Basidia
d) Fungi imperfecti 4) Apothecium
(a) a1, b2, c3, d4 (b) a2, b1, c4, d3
(c) a3, b4, c2, d1 (d) a4, b3, c2, d1
13. Ornithology is concerned with the study of
(a) Fishes (b) Birds (c) Animal fossils (d) Reptiles
14. Reducing agent or reductant in anaerobis respiration process is
(a) Triose phosphate (b) Pyruvic acid
(c) NADH (d) 1,3 diphosphoglyceric acid
15. One of the following is a connecting link between annelida and
(a) neomenia (b) peripatus (c) neopilina (d) ctenoplana
16. The term 'Protista' was given by
(a) E. Haeckel (b) John Ray (c) Linnaeus (d) G. Cuvier
17. In plants, during photosynthesis
(a) Entropy increases, free energy increases, total energy
(b) Entropy decreases, free energy decreases, total energy
(c) Entropy decreases, free energy increases, total energy
(d) Entropy increases, free energy increases, total energy
18. Linnaeus had the credit for
(a) Discovery of blood circulation (b) Theory of biogenesis
(c) Discovery of microscope (d) Binomial nomenclature
19. Study of lizards is
(a) Serpentology (b) Herpetology (c) Serology (d) Ornithology
20. Chromosomes labeled with A/a, B/b, C/c, D/d, E/e where slash
line separates one chromosome from its homologue. How many
different kind of meiotic products can this individual produce?
(a) 32 (b) 16 (c) 8 (d) 4
21. Branch of Zoology dealing with the study of fishes is known as
(a) Herpatology (b) Ichthyology (c) Saurology (d) Arthrology
22. The hemichordate Balanoglossus has its larva called
(a) Bipinnaria (b) Veliger (c) Tornaria (d) Ammocoete
23. For Gycosidation and Glycosylation lipids and proteins are
supplied by
(a) Golgi (b) ER (c) Mitochondria (d) Chloroplast
24. Study of human being is known as
(a) Antropoidy (b) Anthropology
(c) Humanology (d) Homonidology
25. The book 'The Origin of life on Earth' was written by
(a) Charles Darwin (b) Stanley Loyld Miller
(c) A.I. Oparin (d) S.L. Miller and Urey
26. One of the following made a commitment to reduce green
house gases
(a) UNCED (b) Earth summit at Rio De Janiero
(c) Kyoto Protocol (d) Montreal Protocol
27. Which among the following combinations are haploid?
(a) Endosperm of gymnoserm, protonema, prothallus, perisperm
(b) Protonema, prothallus, perisprem, nucellus leaves of funaria
(c) Endosperm of gymnosprem, protonema, prothallus, capsule
of funaria
(d) Endosperm of gymnosperm, protonema, prothallus, Ricca
vegetative thallus
28. Study of behaviour of animals is known as
(a) Ecology (b) Sociology (c) Ethology (d) Anthropology
29. Australian lung fish is
(a) lepidosiren (b) neoceratodes
(c) crypto branchus (d) protopterus
30. The living agnatha are included under
(a) Ostracodermi (b) Placodermi
(c) Cyclostomata (d) Holocephali
31. World habitat day is on
(a) 3rd October (b) 4th October
(c) 21st March (d) 5th June
32. Study of growing old is
(a) Genology (b) Genecology (c) Gerontology (d) Gynecology
33. Blood groups were discovered by
(a) Landsteiner (b) Altmann (c) Ronald Ross (d) Losch
34. The salamander popularly called 'congo eel' is
(a) Amblystoma (b) Necturus (c) Amphiuma (d) Siren
35. The agroforestry method of planting herbs and shrubs between
woody trees like sal and teaks is called
(a) Jhum cultivation (b) Taungya system
(c) Urban forestry (d) Social forestry
36. Study of animals that live and subsist on other animals is
(a) Pathology (b) Ecology (c) Parasitology (d) Taxonomy
37. Two enzymes common in Glycosis & Calvin cycle are
(a) Aldolase & Transaminase
(b) Aldolase & Trios phosphate isomerase
(c) Aldolase & PEP carboxylase
(d) Phospho hexo isomerase & Enolase
38. The Ethnology is the study of
(a) Man kind behaviour (b) Past life of organisms
(c) Conditions of animals (d) Joints
39. Which one of the following is a free living nitrogen fixing
(a) Nitrosomonas (b) Nitrocystis (c) Rhizobuim (d) Clodtridium
40. Sedentary echinoderms are included under
(a) asteroidea (b) ophiuroidea (c) holothuroidea (d) crinoidea
41. Cockroach and Grasshopper are
(a) ametabolous (b) paurometabolous
(c) hemimetabolous (d) holometabolous
42. Term 'Biology' was introduced by
(a) Aristotle (b) Lamarck (c) Darwin (d) Linnaeus
43. Study of nuclear cytology is
(a) Neurology (b) Mycology (c) Rhinology (d) Karyology
44. Choose the organophosphate pesticide
(a) Aldrin (b) Endrin (c) Parathion (d) BHC
45. Study of snakes is called
(a) Ichthyology (b) Serpentology
(c) Herpetology (d) Entomology
46. AbCDeFgh are the gight genes located on 5th chromosome
(paternal). Its homologue (maternal) may have the gene
(a) abcdefgh (b) aBcdEfGH (c) AbCdEfGh (d) any of the above
47. Aquatic birds like penguin are included under the super order
(a) Ratitae (b) Carinatae (c) Odontognathae (d) Impennae
48. The term 'Cell' was given by
(a) Robert Hooke (b) Weisemann (c) Darwin (d) Cuvier
49. Choose the odd toed hoofed mammal
(a) Hippopotamus (b) Camel (c) Giraffe (d) Rhinoceros
50. Stink glands are seen in
(a) Buthus (b) Julus (c) Scolopendra (d) Araenia
1 C 11 C 21 B 31 B 41 B
2 D 12 C 22 C 32 C 42 B
3 B 13 B 23 B 33 A 43 D
4 C 14 C 24 B 34 C 44 C
5 D 15 C 25 C 35 B 45 B
6 B 16 A 26 C 36 C 46 D
7 D 17 C 27 D 37 B 47 D
8 C 18 D 28 C 38 A 48 A
9 C 19 B 29 B 39 D 49 D
10 D 20 B 30 C 40 D 50 B
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