Saturday, May 3, 2008

Top ten MBA Institutes in Indian

List of the best business schools in India offering PGP and Doctoral programs
Ranked amongst the top most business schools in India and Asia. The institute offers four programmes in Management. The PGP - Post Graduate Program (equivalent to MBA), the FPM - Fellowship Program in Management(equivalent to Ph.D), the FDP - Faculty Development Program for Management teachers and Trainers and the MDP - Management Development Program - a refresher for middle and top level managers. Admission process for PGP and FPM of IIM Ahemedabad involves taking the Common Admission Test (CAT) followed by group discussion and interviews for short listed candidates.
Ranked amongst the most prestigious business schools in India and Asia. The institute offers three full time programs. The PGDM - Post Graduate Program in Management (equivalent to MBA), the FPM - Fellowship Program in Management, the PGDCM - Post Graduate Diploma in Computer Aided Management. All three programs require the candidate to take CAT. The institute also offer part time PGDBM - Post Graduate Diploma in Business Management for managers with relevant work experience. In addition, MDP - Management Development Programs are held in regular intervals for middle and top level managers.
IIM Bangalore offers two year full time PGP - Post Graduate Program in Management (equivalent to MBA) and a FPM - Fellowship Program in Management. Both these programs require the candidate to take CAT. The institute also offers part time non residential PGSM - Post Graduate Program in Software Enterprise Management. There is a separate entrance test for this program. This business school is ranked amongst the top three business schools in the country.
IIM Lucknow offers a two year full time residential PGP - Post Graduate Program in Management and a four year FPM program. Both these programs require a candidate to take CAT. The institute also has an interesting student exchange program where students of this B-School go to premier B-Schools the world over and do part of their education. Students and faculty from these internationally reputed B-Schools in turn visit IIM Lucknow. It is ranked amongst the top five B-Schools in India.
Xavier Labour Research Institute, popularly known as XLRI was established in 1949 at Jamshedpur. The institute offers two courses at the post graduation level in management - a post graduate diploma in Business administration and a post graduate diploma in Personnel Management and Industrial Relations (PMIR). Online version of the brochure is also available. In 2001, the average salary (including foreign offers) soared by 70% (over last year) to a whopping Rs.8.06 lakhs per annum. The offers in the Business Management program averaged at an awe-inspiring Rs.9.71 lakhs and in the Personnel Management program at Rs. 6.5 lakhs. And these exclude ESOPs and other means of compensation.
Indian School of Business, Hyderabad is emerging as a preferred choice for MBA aspirants who want to pack in the program into a one year course. As it gradually builds up its permanent faculty base, the ISB has created a unique and sustainable visiting faculty model with some of the world's leading academicians from Wharton, Kellogg, Harvard, Stanford, Chicago, Duke and Texas among others. The school offers a one year Post Graduate Program in Management.
FMS is amongst the top 10 B-Schools in the country and probably one of the two attached to a university amongst the top ten. The full time program of FMS started in 1967. The whole outgoing batch of 2002 was placed within a span of 2 days. There were 8 foreign offers including British American Tobacco (BAT), OLAM and QAI among others.
The Indian Institute of Management, Indore (IIMI) is the latest addition to the IIM community. IIMI has a two-year post graduate programme emphasizing on Experiential learning, IT orientation, and Social Sensitivity. The construction of the new campus is progressing at a rapid pace and IIMI plans to operate out of the new campus from June 2003. IIM-I offers the following programs viz., (a) The Post Graduate Programme (PGP), a two year programme (b) Management Development Programme. These are held throughout the year. (c) Faculty Development Programme (FDP) is designed to assist in the development of teachers, researchers, and trainers for management education and (d) Executive Post-Graduate Programme (Exe-PGP) a 18-months programme, designed for working executives.
Established in 1996, The Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode, IIMK is the fifth Indian Institute of Management. Its academic programmes encompass a range of long term full time diploma programmes such as the Post Graduate Programme in Management, and a number of short duration executive education programmes. The institute also offers an "Interactive Distance Learning Programme"

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