Wednesday, May 21, 2008

UPSC 2008 Prelims Solution(General Studies)

UPSC 2008 Prelims Solution(General Studies)


1c (BRIT - Isotope Tech)
2c (National Brain Research Centre - Gurgaon and fingerprinting centre - hyderabad)
3a (desalination plant - Kavaratti)
4b (Bretton Woods Conference)
5b (Directive principles of state Policy)
6b (Legislative assembly)
7c (Ninety Second amendment)
8d ( PSU of GoI - all 3)
9d ( million plus cities - all 4)
10a (CDM statement 1 only)
11c ( World summit on Sustainable Development - Johannesberg)
12d (K. P. Singh, Vikram Pandit.....)
13d (Amnesty International, CIS...)
14b (% rural population - himachal pradesh)
15b ( Dec order of population - USA & Indonesia)
16c ( Spoken max after hindi - Bengali)
17b (Heavy Water - H. C. Urey)
18c ( Kim Dae jung - South Korea)
19d (Ogaden region - Ethiopia and Somalia)
20a (Palitana Temple - Bhavnagar)
21c (2004 Euro - Greece)
22b (Jupiter and Saturn)
23b (Cristina Kirchner - Argentina)
24c (Rowlatt Act - Lord Chelmsford)
25c (radioactive water leakage - Japan)
26d (% of people over 65 years - 5-6%)
27b (Spacecraft - Cassini)
28b (ITER - Southern France)
29c (Themis Mission)
30b (Biosphere Reserve - Kanchenjunga)
31b (agent orange - weed killing)
32d (cabinet mission)
33c (Free Indian Legion - S. C. Bose)
34c (Prisoner's Dilemma - Game Theory)
35b (East India Company - Jahangir)
36c (refused knighthood - G. K. Gokhale)
37d (Irrigation project by state - all 3)
38b (Current power generation - installed and generation)
39b (International Date Line - Bering Strait)
40b (Waterfalls & Rivers)
41d (Nearest to equator - Singapore)
42b (Tehri Hydropower complex - Bhagirathi)
43d ( Minerals in Chhattisgarh - all 4)
44b (Theory/Law & Scientists - Albert Einstien)
45a (Baudhayan theorem = Pythogoras theorem)
46a (Sharing border with Moldova)
47a (Asian Development bank & Colombo Plan)
48c (Emirates of UAE - Ajman, Ras al-Khaimah(last))
49b (largest areawise Lok Sabha constituency - Ladakh)
50b (Median age of Population)
51b (Person-Area : Sabyasachi Mukherjee,...)
52b (Justice V. R. Krishna Iyer)
53c (Ebraham Alkazi - Theatre training)
54d (Chikmanglur/coffee, Mandya/sugar)
55a (Bimbavati Devi -Manipuri)
56c (Sarosh Zaiwalla - legal expert)
57c (Tapovan & Vishnugarh - Uttarakhand)
58c (Author/Work - Dinbandhu Mitra--Nil-darpan)
59a (New Lamps for Old - Aurobindo Ghosh)
60c (Un-British Rule in India - Dadabhai Naoroji)
61a (egg laying mammal - echidna)
62c (Mosquito - gambusia fish)
63b (Scheduled areas in several states - fifth schedule)
64b (Dept. of Border Management - Ministry of Home Affairs)
65d (Verappa Moily - Administrative Reforms)
66c (Elizabeth Hawley - Himalayan Expeditions)
67c (States of India sharing coastline - 9)
68d (James D Watson/Nobel Prize - Genetics)
69b (Board - Headquarters ---- Tobacco board/guntur....)
70a (max no. of national parks - Andaman & Nicobar)
71c (Not an Ape - Langur)
72d (5 identical balls - one in each row - 108)
73a (exactly 5 letters in 6 envelopes - zero)
74c (identical red, black and white balls in cells - 24)
75a (how many diff triangles - 28)
76d (Francis Collins)
77d (S & P 500)
78b (Rajiv Gandhi National flying institute)
79c (Saurav Ganguly)
80b (Faiz Ahmed Faiz)
81c (180*10^7)
82c (Equal to R)
83b (Narmada)
84d (Nuclear supplier's group)
85c (Advanced Light helicopter)
86a (hand-in-hand china)
87c (Liver)
88d (Visible spectrum)
89b (radio waves)
90a (congress ministries)
91b (french open)
92b (malta)
93c (mahendragiri)
94c (Service/Agency - country)
95b (C Rangarajan)
96c (7.35-7.45)
97b (Vice-Precident)
98b (Kurnool)
99d (India semi-final)
100a (Namchik-namphuk)
101a (Norman Ernest Borlaug - UAE)
102c (Yom kippur War)
103c (probiotic food)
104c (Albedo)
105c (A.N.ray - CJI . Nagendra singh- cec)
106b (Pitcher plant)
107d (king cobra)
108c (Spider)
109b ( High courts-3)
110c (Livestock population - India)
111d (Crocodile)
112d (Tributary river-Main River)
113c ( Nilgiri)
114b (Mahogany)
115d (Number of spokes)
116d (source of methane)
117a (Barak - Israel)
118c (Selene-1)
119d (Rig-veda)
120a (Orange prize)
121b (I)
122b (Number of terms - 73)
1123b (4 books-12)
124c (Carpenter)
125c (100 pens at discount of 10%-862.50)
126c (school teacher-10)
127a (600)
128c (Bisphenol)
129d (GDP)
130b (March 1 2008 friday)
131b (electrification policy)
132c (2045)
133d (Biodiesel mission)
134d (National old age pension)
135c (Swayamsiddha)
136d ( M D C L)
137c (William henry bragg)
138b (Lal bahadur shastri)
139d (Sikkim - minimum population Census of india 2001)
140c (jet engine and rocket)
141b (Dye laser printer)
142a (Musical scale sa ni)
143b (Rubies and sapphires - Aluminium oxide)
144c (Stranger gas-Xenon)
145c (Methane and air- explosion in mines)
146b (Lithium and osmium)
147b (one barrel of oil - 159 litres)
148c (J.B. Kriplani)
149a (Al-Hilal)
150b (Bombay-First Session of INC)

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