Recruitment of Clerk-cum-Cashiers in Allahabad
Allahabad Bank invites ONLINE applications from Indian citizens for appointment in the Clerical cadre posts.
Candidates are requested to apply online between 31.05.2008 and 30.06.2008. No other means /mode of applications/print-out will be accepted.
Apply Online - For the post of Clerk-cum-Cashiers
How To Apply :
Candidates are required to apply On-Line through website No other means/ mode of application will be accepted .
Guidelines for filling up applications are –
(a) Candidate should have a valid e-mail ID.
(b) In case a candidate does not have a valid personal e-mail Id, he/she should create his/ her new e-mail Id before applying on-line .
(c) Candidates are advised to keep the Demand Draft / Bankers' Cheque, particulars of educational qualifications, caste certificate details, ex-serviceman details, and other personal details ready as these details are required to be entered in the ONLINE APPLICATION .
(d) Without Demand Draft / Bankers' Cheque details, application will not be registered.
(e) To apply open Bank's Website on the appropriate link alongside i.e. “ ON-LINE APPLICATION FORM FOR CLERICAL CADRE ”. Fill in the required details therein including the Demand Draft / Bankers' Cheque Number, date etc. and click on the “SUBMIT” button at the end of the ONLINE Application Form .
(f) After applying ONLINE, take a print out of System Generated ON-LINE APPLICATION Form in A-4 size paper, firmly paste a recent passport size photograph bearing the signature of the candidate at the appropriate space provided at the right hand top corner of the application form and sign at the bottom of the application form at the space provided.
(g) Attach following documents to the System Generated ON-LINE APPLICATION FORM and send by ordinary post :
• Xerox copy of School leaving certificate in support of Date of Birth.
(ii) Xerox copy of the Final convocation Degree certificate in respect of passing Graduate Degree and/ or Post Graduate Degree (Provisional Certificate will be accepted only if the candidate has passed the relevant examination during the past one year i.e. 2007 or the university has not yet issued the convocation certificates ).
(iii) Medical Certificates in case of PC candidates.
(iv) SC/ST Caste certificate/OBC certificate with “Non-Creamy Layer Clause”.
(v) Demand Draft / Bankers' Cheque..
Candidate's name, date of birth, address & System Generated Application Number should be written on the back of Demand Draft / Bankers' Cheque.
(h) Application Print-outs complete in all respects enclosing the above documents and the relevant Demand Draft / Bankers' Cheque should be sent in a closed envelope BY ORDINARY POST only superscribing as “ APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF CLERK CUM CASHIER ” so as to reach on or before the last date to the following address :
Post Box No.7731,
Borivali (West),
Mumbai 400 092
Last Date For Receipt of Application Print Outs :
Last date for receipt of “Print out of the System Generated Application” at the address given above by ordinary post on or before 07.07.2008
Last date for receipt of “Print out of the System Generated Application” from Far –Flung areas i.e. Andman & Nicobar Islands, Lakshdweep Minicoy Islands, Assam, Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, Manipur, Nagaland, Tripura, Sikkim, Ladakh Division of J&K State, Lahul & Spiti district and Pangi Sub-division of Chamba District of Himachal Pradesh, by ordinary post on or before 14.07.2008
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