Friday, July 11, 2008

UGC-Net/jrf and lectureship Examination 2008 Solved Paper

UGC-Net/jrf and lectureship Examination 2008

Solved Paper

Commerce Paper-II

1. Which of the following is/are component(s) of economic envi-ronment ?

(A) Economic System

(B) Economic Policy

(C) Economic Conditions

(D) All of these

(E) None of these

2. Mixed economic system con-sists—

(A) Public Sector

(B) Private Sector

(C) Mixed Sector

(D) Co-operative Sector

(E) All of these

3. The Indian Companies Act came into force from—

(A) 1956 (B) 1960

(C) 1970 (D) 1990

(E) 1991

4. VAT stand for—

(A) Value Added Tax

(B) Valuable Assessment Tax

(C) Value Added Type

(D) Value Act Tax

(E) None of these

5. The Current Account of BOP includes—

(A) Travel

(B) Transportation

(C) Investment Income

(D) Transfer of Payment

(E) All of these

6. Assets = Liabilities is—

(A) Cost Concept

(B) Dual Aspect Concept

(C) Going Concern Concept

(D) Accrual Concept

(E) None of these

7. Goodwill is a—

(A) Real Account

(B) Nominal Account

(C) Personal Account

(D) All of these

(E) None of these

8. Nominal Account is—

(A) Patent A/c

(B) Ram A/c

(C) Salary A/c

(D) Prepaid A/c

(E) Goodwill A/c

9. Cash is a—

(A) Current Assets

(B) Current Liabilities

(C) Fixed Assets

(D) Fixed Liabilities

(E) All of these

10. Sales – Variable Cost = ?

(A) Profit

(B) Cost

(C) Contribution

(D) Loss


11. Market structure includes—

(A) Perfect Competition

(B) Perfect Monopoly

(C) Monopolistic Competition

(D) Oligopoly

(E) All of these

12. Stackelberg’s Model is related with—

(A) Oligopoly

(B) Cost

(C) Marketing

(D) Pricing

(E) None of these

13. Goods that are often used together are called—

(A) Complements

(B) Substitutes

(C) Main

(D) All of these

(E) None of these

14. TCn – TCn – 1 = ?

(A) Marginal Cost

(B) Sales

(C) Profit

(D) Loss

(E) Fixed Cost

15. Fixed cost is—

(A) Salary (B) Material

(C) Wages (D) Fuel

(E) All of these

16. The Random Sampling Method consists—

(A) Simple Random Sampling

(B) Restricted Random Sampl-ing

(C) Acceptance Sampling

(D) All of these

(E) None of these

17. Low degree positive correlation is—

(A) + 1

(B) – 1

(C) Between 0 to 0·25

(D) + 2

(E) None of these

18. The Theory of Probability can be computed by—

(A) P = (B) P =

(C) P = (D) P =

(E) P =

19. The unknown and unlimited number of units are known as—

(A) Finite population

(B) Infinite population

(C) Sampling errors

(D) Correlation

(E) All of these

20. The process of management covers—

(A) Planning

(B) Organising

(C) Commanding

(D) Co-ordination

(E) All of these

21. Who is the author of ‘General and Industrial Administration’ ?

(A) Mary Parker

(B) Henry Fayol

(C) Peter F. Drucker

(D) C. I. Bernard

(E) Douglas Mc-Gregor

22. Which of the following is/are type of plan ?

(A) Policies

(B) Procedure

(C) Rules

(D) Strategies

(E) All of these

23. Which of the following decisions are made with regard to routine and recurring problems which require structured solution and which can be arrived at with the help of operating procedures and processes determined in advance ?

(A) Programmed decisions

(B) Non-Programmed decision

(C) Strategic decision

(D) Tractical decision

(E) All of these

24. Which of the following is not internal sources of recruitment ?

(A) Promotion

(B) Contractors

(C) Transfer

(D) Trainees

(E) Extension of service

25. Who classified human needs into five categories ?

(A) Mc-Gregor

(B) Maslow

(C) F. L. Breach

(D) Carool Shartle

(E) Mc-Farland

26. Customer orientation is—

(A) Marketing concept

(B) Management concept

(C) Financial concept

(D) Accounting concept

(E) All of these

27. Which of the following is/are Socio-economic forces ?

(A) Customer

(B) Competition

(C) Substitute

(D) Tradition

(E) All of these

28. Marketing comprises—

(A) Buying

(B) Selling

(C) Accounting

(D) Financing

(E) Buying and selling

29. The primary buying motives includes—

(A) Food and Drink

(B) Comfort

(C) Social approval

(D) Superior

(E) All of these

30. A brand is a—

(A) Name (B) Term

(C) Symbol (D) Design

(E) All of these

31. PLC means—

(A) Product Life Cycle

(B) Product Life Cost

(C) Price Long Cost

(D) Price Long Control

(E) Product Life Control

32. Financial management is the application of planning and control function to the—

(A) Accounting

(B) Management

(C) Finance

(D) Marketing

(E) Economic

33. Equity Capital < Loan Capital indicates—

(A) Under Capitalisation

(B) Over Capitalisation

(C) Low Gear

(D) Low Gear and Under Capi-talisation

(E) All of these

34. Which of the following is/are element(s) of optimum capital structure ?

(A) Minimum cost of capital

(B) Minimum risk

(C) Flexibility

(D) Maximum profit

(E) All of these

35. The pay back period method may be used for—

(A) Cost of Capital

(B) Capital Budgeting

(C) Budgeting

(D) Fund flow

(E) All of these

36. Working capital turnover can be computed by—






37. The difference of current assets and current liabilities is known as—

(A) Working capital

(B) Liabilities

(C) Profit

(D) Loss

(E) Expenses

38. An operating cycle method includes—

(A) Raw material

(B) Finished goods

(C) Debtors

(D) Cash

(E) All of these

39. When the borrowings are more than the capital stock, a company is said to be—

(A) Trading on equity

(B) Trading on thin equity

(C) Trading on thick equity

(D) All of these

(E) None of these

40. Stock is a—

(A) Current liabilities

(B) Current assets

(C) Fixed liabilities

(D) Fixed assets

(E) All of these

41. Which of the following is/are type of ‘Test’ ?

(A) Mental Ability Test

(B) Interest Test

(C) Aptitude Test

(D) Personality Test

(E) All of these

42. Incentive Plan is—

(A) Halsey Plan

(B) Job Analysis

(C) Compensation

(D) Training Plan

(E) All of these

43. Job redesign is a technique of enriching the Job characteristics with a view to improving the quality of—

(A) Work life

(B) Product life

(C) Service life

(D) All of these

(E) None of these

44. The motivator of Hygiene factor is/are—

(A) Achievement

(B) Recognition

(C) Responsibility

(D) Growth

(E) All of these

45. The modern Theories of Motiva-tion is not includes—

(A) Human Relation Theory

(B) Path Goal Theory

(C) Z-Theory of Urwick

(D) Net Assets Theory

(E) All of these

46. The Banking Regulation Act introduced on—

(A) 1940 (B) 1941

(C) 1949 (D) 1950

(E) 1951

47. The Bank of Venice, founded in—

(A) 1150 (B) 1157

(C) 1190 (D) 1912

(E) 1930

48. The Private Bank is—

(A) ICICI Bank


(C) UCO Bank

(D) Bank of Baroda

(E) All of these

49. Which one of the following is Central Bank of India ?

(A) Reserve Bank of India

(B) State Bank of India

(C) Punjab National Bank

(D) ICICI Bank

(E) UCO Bank

50. The ……… Commission sugges-ted the establishment of the Reserve Bank of India to act as a Central Bank.

(A) Rajiv Gandhi

(B) Hilton Young

(C) Reddy’s

(D) Rangrajan

(E) None of these

Answers :

1. (d) 2. (e) 3. (a) 4. (a) 5. (e)

6. (b) 7. (a) 8. (c) 9. (a) 10. (c)

11. (e) 12. (a) 13. (a) 14. (a) 15. (a)

16. (d) 17. (c) 18. (a) 19. (b) 20. (e)

21. (b) 22. (e) 23. (a) 24. (b) 25. (b)

26. (a) 27. (e) 28. (e) 29. (e) 30. (e)

31. (a) 32. (c) 33. (a) 34. (e) 35. (b)

36. (b) 37. (a) 38. (e) 39. (c) 40. (b)

41. (e) 42. (a) 43. (a) 44. (e) 45. (d)

46. (c) 47. (b) 48. (a) 49. (a) 50. (b)

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