General Awareness for forthcomming exams
Q1. Which of the folowing is NOT a recipient of Dhyan Chand Award 2008 announced in August 2008 ?
(a) Hukum Singh
(b)Gyan Singh
(c) Sanjeev Kumar Singh
(d)Mukh Bain Singh
Q2.The Banerjee Committee is related to the probe of which incident:
(a) Mumbai blasts
(b)Godhra incident
(c) Kandhar plane Hijack
(d)Parliament Attack
Q3. The company ‘Suzlon Energy’ is a leading player in the field of:
(a) Wind Energy
(b)Geothermal Energy
(c) Solar Energy
(d)Tidal Energy
Q4.The Southernmost point of India is:
(a) Kanyakumari
(b)Indira Point(Pygmalion Point)
(c) Cape of Good Hope
(d)None of the above
Q5.The country having the highest life expectancy in the world is:
(a) USA
(c) Norway
Q6. 49th Parallel is the boundary line between:
(a) India & Srilanka
(b)USA & Canada
(c) Australia & New Zealand
(d)North America & South America
Q7. Aswan Dam is built over river:
(a) Tigris
(c) Nile
Q8. The 8th schedule of the Constitution gives:
(a) A list of 22 languages recognized by the Constitution
(b)Administration and control of Scheduled areas and Scheduled tribes.
(c) The list of States and Union territories
(d)Provisions regarding disqualifications on the ground of political defection
Q9.Who was the creator of the world’s first free email service’Hotmail’?
(a) Narayanmurthi
(b)Vinod Dham
(c) Sabeer Bhatia
(d)Azim Premji
Q10.What is the name of the world’s fastest computer?
(a) Blue Gene
(b)Road Runner
(c) Apple
(d)Gen-X Turbo
Q11.For which sport is the Wellington Cup given in India?
(a) Shooting
(c) Rowing
Q12. In the Indian context the term ‘De-notified tribes’ refers to:
(a) Aboriginal tribes
(b)Nomadic tribes
(c) Tribes living in Himalayan region
(d)Tribes which were earlier classified as criminal tribes
Q13.The word ‘Hindu’ as a reference to the people of India(Hindu) was first used by:
(a) Arabs
(c) Roman
Q14.Zero was invented by:
(a) Aryabhatta
(c) Bhaskaracharya
Q15.The only sanke that builds nest is:
(a) King Cobra
(b)Rattle Snake
(c) Saw-scaled Viper
Q16.The concept of Public Interest Litigation (PIL) originated in :
(a) U.K.
(c) Australia
Q17.Which of the following animal stores water in its intestine?
(a) Kangaroo
(c) Camel
Q18.Ashtapradhan was a council of ministers in the administration of:
(a) Asoka
(b)Chandragupta Vikramaditya
(c) Rana Pratap
Q19. Arakan Yoma is the extension of the Himalayas located in:
(a) China
(c) Myanmar
Q20.The first president of the muslim league was:
(a) M.A.Jinnah
(b)Salimullah Khan
(c) Maulana Mohammad Ali
(d)Shaukat Ali
Q21.The largest producer of Mica in the world is:
(a) Russia
(c) Germany
Q22. The most abundant inert gas in the atmosphere is:
(a) Xenon
(c) Argon
Q23. ‘Heavy water’ is used in:
(a) Car radiators
(b)Nuclear Reactor
(c) As a coolant in refrigerator
(d)for dry-cleaning purposes
Q24. The chemical compound used in Narco-test is:
(a) Sodium Hypochlorite
(c) Sodium Pentothal
(d)None of these
Q25. Which of the following is used for the production of X-Rays?
(a) Alpha Rays
(b)Beta Rays
(c) Gamma Rays
(d)Cathode Rays
1-c 2-b 3-a 4-b 5-d
6-b 7-c 8-a 9-c 10-b
11-c 12-d 13-a 14-b 15-c
16-b 17-c 18-d 19-c 20-b
21-d 22-c 23-b 24- c 25-d
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