1. The respiration is carried on by
(A) Kidneys
(B) Brain
(C) Intestine
(D) Lungs
Ans (D)
2. Which is the outer protective cover of the body?
(A) Skeleton
(B) Hair
(C) Skin
(D) None of these
Ans (C)
3. Which collects the blood from the organs?
(A) Arteries
(B) Veins
(C) Lungs
(D) Nerves
Ans (B)
4. Which removes waste materials from the body?
(A) Kidneys
(B) Lungs
(C) Heart
(D) Brain
Ans (A)
5. Which of the following is well developed and functional in grazing animals?
(A) Appendix
(B) Liver
(C) Duodenum
(D) Rectum
Ans (A)
6. How many teeth will the children have?
(A) 10
(B) 15
(C) 28
(D) 20
Ans (D)
7. What is inner lining of the alimentary canal called ?
(A) oesophagus
(B) Mucous membrance
(C) Muscle
(D) Muscular
Ans (B)
8. Which of the following is not a part of the alimentary canal?
(A) Mouth
(B) Stomach
(C) Small intestine
(D) lungs
Ans (D)
9. Liver and pancreas are the ________ glands.
(A) blood clear
(B) digestive
(C) breathing
(D) none of these
Ans (B)
10. _________ is a sticky substance in saliva and provides easy movement for food.
(A) Insulin
(B) Amylase
(C) Mucin
(D) none of these
Ans (C)
11. Nose opens at the uuper end of _____ through a pair of internal nostrils.
(A) Larnyx
(B) Trachea
(C) Pharnyx
(D) none of these
Ans (C)
12. Which of the following is a long tube and wind pipe?
(A) Bronchi
(B) Nasal canal
(C) Pharnyx
(D) Trachea
Ans (D)
13. How many lungs are present in the human body?
(A) 1
(B) 2
(C) 3
(D) none of these
Ans (B)
14. The lungs are covered by two membrances called as _______
(A) Veins
(B) Air sacs
(C) pleura
(D) none of these
Ans (C)
15. The normal temperature of a human body is _____
(A) 98.4ºC
(B) 98.4ºF
(C) 99.0ºC
(D) 99.0ºF
Ans (B)
16. What is the temperature of boiling water?
(A) 100ºC
(B) 32ºC
(C) 180ºF
(D) 32ºF
Ans (A)
17. Units which can be expressed in terms of two or more fundamental units of mass or called____ units
(A) Derived
(B) defined
(C) undefined
(D) underived
Ans (A)
18. The mean distance of sun from the earth is called
(A) Astronomical units
(B) Lightyear
(C) Astrological units
(D) Angstroms
Ans (A)
19. One nano metre =
(A) 10Aº
(B) 11Aº
(C) 12Aº
(D) 10.5Aº
Ans (A)
20. Which of the following is known as acqua gold
(A) Sulphuric acid
(B) Nitric Acid
(C) Hydrochloric Acid
(D) Ammonia WRONG 3 2
21. The force is the product of _____
(A) velocity and acceleration
(B) the speed and acceleration
(C) mass and speed
(D) mass and acceleration
Ans (D)
22. Root part is represented in a mature emryo by
(A) plumule
(B) radicle
(C) chalaza
(D) cotyledons
Ans (B)
23. Bone deformities occur due to the excessive intake of
(A) phosphorus
(B) potassium
(C) fatti acid
(D) fluorine
Ans (D)
24. Excess of fat in the body is stored in
(A) Adipose tissue
(B) Acrosome
(C) Connective tissue
(D) Bone marrow
Ans (A)
25. Disease caused by HIV virus is
(A) mumps
(B) plague
(D) tuberculosis
Ans (C)
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