Previous Paper of Bank of Baroda Will be Post Very Soon
Recruitment of -1000- Clerical Staff in Bank of Baroda
Bank of Baroda has come up with a recruitment notification on its website. This is for the post of
clerks and the number of vacancies are 1000.
The bank's website address is;
The recruitment notification and more details on this vacancy can be looked from the following link
Recruitment of -1000- Clerical Staff.
Important points on the clerical posts vacancies at Bank of Baroda: - for details visit the Bank
of Baroda site.
Candidates are advised to apply only 'online' after carefully going through the following details:
1. Eligibility Criteria:
A. Educational Qualifications:(As on 01.09.2008):
(a) A Pass with 60% marks (55% for SC/ST/PWD/Ex-Servicemen) in HSC of 10 + 2 (10+2+3) pattern /
11th Standard of (11+1+3) pattern or Intermediate / Pre-University or any equivalent examination
/ Diploma in Banking recognized by Central / State Government or U.T. Admn.
A degree with a minimum of 50% of marks (45% for SC/ST/PWD/Ex-Servicemen) in any discipline from a
recognized University or any equivalent qualification recognized as such by the Central Govt.
B. AGE: (As on 01. 09. 2008): Minimum: 18 Years, Maximum: 28 Years
Relaxable in case of SC/ST/OBC/PWD/Ex Service Men as per Government's Guidelines.
Vacancy Details:
SC - 155 ST - 99 OBC - 226 GEN - 520 Total - 1000
VH - 10 HI - 10 OH - 10 XSM - 145
Abbreviations stand for : - SC - Scheduled Caste, ST - Scheduled Tribe, OBC - Other Backward
Classes, PWD - Persons With Disability, OH- Orthopaedically Handicapped , HI - Hearing Impaired,
VH- Visually Handicapped, XSM - Ex-service men
Important Dates:
Website Link Open :: From 03.09.2008 to 30.09.2008
Last date for Receipt of Application Print out with Demand Draft and Copies of Certificates :: 06.10.2008
Last date for receipt of Application Print out with Demand Draft and Copies of Certificate from far flung
areas :: 11.10.2008
Date of Written Test :: 30.11.2008 (Sunday)
4. How To Apply
Eligible candidates are required to apply only 'ONLINE' through our website and no other means/ mode
of application will be acceptable.
Before registering their applications on the website, candidates should possess the following :
1. Valid email ID.
2. Demand Draft of Rs. 200/- as application fee for General and OBC candidates.
3. Demand Draft of Rs. 50/- as postage charges for SC/ST& PWD candidates
No other financial instrument other than Demand Draft is acceptable.
The print out of the application along with the documents mentioned above should be sent by Ordinary
Post in a closed envelope superscribed as "Application For The Post Of Clerical Staff - Project 2008"
at the following address: -
Bank of Baroda Recruitment of Clerical Staff - Project 2008
Post Box No. 27673,
Malad (East),
Mumbai-400 097.
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